Best Way To Lose Weight On Your Face

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Best Way To Lose Weight On Your Face

From double chins to puffy cheeks, facial fat can be a difficult issue to address. But what if we told you that the key to reducing facial fat lies not just in external remedies, but in internal ones? 

Losing weight on the face can be a challenge, but it is possible with the right approach. Here you can find the best way to lose weight on your face and we’ll also offer you tips for achieving a more defined look.

Contributing Factors To Facial Fat

Face fat is the buildup of excess fatty tissues on the front, giving it a rounder and fuller appearance.

A buildup of face fat can occur for a variety of reasons. These can come from:

  • Extra Body Fat

Obesity or excess body fat can significantly contribute to excess body fat. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index of 30 or higher. It is distinguished by excessive fat deposition in various body tissues.

It is a lifestyle disorder and can cause several other non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, etc. Excess body fat is one cause of excess face fat, and losing overall body fat can help reduce face fat. Face-thinning exercises can aid muscle stimulation and movement.

  • Thyroid Problems

Thyroid disorder activity is another factor that can make your face appear fat. The thyroid gland is located beneath the neck. Thyroid hormones regulate the body’s metabolism in a variety of ways. With a thyroid disorder, this gland can be under or overactive. This can cause swelling of the face.

  • Dietary Deficiencies

A poor diet influences the fat stored on your face and body. You are more likely to gain weight if your diet lacks essential nutrients and you consume more energy than you need. This is due to your body producing a calorie surplus. If your diet consists primarily of highly processed foods and beverages high in calories but low in nutrients, you may have a calorie surplus.

  • Genetics

Genetics can also influence your face shape and fat storage. As a result, it is impossible to spot-reduce facial fat — that is, to reduce fat in your face only. However, losing weight, in general, may help you lose unwanted fat from your face.

Your facial bone structure is linked to your ancestry; genetics also influences your chances of being overweight or obese.

  • Aging

As you get older, your body undergoes numerous changes. Body composition changes with age, and even people who are healthy and “weight-stable” may see a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in body fat, resulting in more fat being stored in the face.

  • Hormones

It is not uncommon for a woman’s face to swell before or during menstruation, as well as as a result of perimenopause (the period of transition leading to menopause). Because of the increase in progesterone, which is responsible for many PMS symptoms, you may also experience swelling in your face, which can be mistaken for weight gain.

What Foods Make A Face Fat?

While there are no specific foods that directly cause facial fat to increase, consuming a diet high in processed and sugary foods, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats can contribute to weight gain, including on the face.

Additionally, consistently consuming more calories than one burns each day can also lead to weight gain, which can result in increased facial fat over time.

Therefore, it’s important to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and engage in regular physical activity to manage overall weight and prevent excessive facial fat accumulation.

Can You Lose Fat From Just Your Face?

Although losing excess body fat may help reduce fat in specific body parts, such as your face, there is little evidence to support the concept of spot reduction or fat loss targeted to a particular area.

In fact, several older studies have discovered that spot reduction is ineffective for increasing fat loss in a specific body part1,2.

Reducing excess body fat and keeping a healthy weight can make a face appear thinner and help avoid excess facial fat.

Regardless of the precise portion of the body that a person is exercising, fat cells stored throughout the body can be broken down and used as energy while working out.

As a result, rather than focusing on losing fat from a specific place, such as the face, it is better to focus on reducing overall body fat through healthy food and lifestyle modifications3.

What Are The Risks Of Gaining Weight In The Face?

Consider the relationship between the amount of fat on your face and the associated health risks. Excess fat on your face indicates that you are overweight or obese, increasing your risk of developing chronic health conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

According to a 2018 study, there is a link between extra weight on one’s face and the development of health problems. Examples are high blood pressure, low immunity, mental health issues, and unbalanced hormone levels4.

Best Way To Lose Weight On Your Face

1. Do facial exercises.

Facial exercises can improve facial appearance, fight age, and strengthen muscles.

According to anecdotal evidence, including facial exercises in your routine can tone facial muscles, making your face appear slimmer5.

Puffing out your cheeks and pushing the air from side to side, puckering your lips on alternating sides, and holding a smile while clenching your teeth for several seconds are some of the most popular exercises.

2. Add cardio to your routine.

Extra fat in your face is frequently the result of excess body fat.

Losing weight can help you lose fat and slim your body and face.

Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is any physical activity that raises your heart rate. It is widely regarded as a highly effective method of losing weight.

Aim for 150-300 minutes of moderate to intense activity each week, equating to 20-40 minutes of cardio daily. Numerous studies have found that cardio can help promote fat loss and burning6,7.

3. Drink more water.

Water is essential for your overall health, especially if you want to lose weight or lose facial fat.

According to research, water can help you feel full and lose weight8. Drinking water before a meal can reduce the number of calories consumed during a meal significantly.

4. Limit alcohol consumption.

A glass of wine with dinner is fine, but excessive alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of fat accumulation and bloating.

Alcohol is mostly made up of empty calories, which means it is high in calories but low in important nutrients like vitamins and minerals9.

5. Cut back on refined carbs.

Refined carbohydrate foods, such as cookies, crackers, and pasta, are common causes of weight gain and increased fat storage.

These carbs have been heavily processed, which depletes them of beneficial nutrients and fiber, leaving only sugar and calories.

They digest quickly because they contain very little fiber. This causes blood sugar spikes and crashes and may make you more likely to overeat10.

6. Get enough sleep.

Sleeping more is an essential overall weight loss strategy. It may also aid in the reduction of facial fat.

Sleep deprivation can increase the stress hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels are associated with a slew of potential side effects, including weight gain.

High cortisol levels have been shown in studies to increase appetite and alter metabolism, resulting in increased fat storage11,12,13.

7. Keep an eye on your sodium intake.

Table salt is the most common source of sodium in most people’s diets. It can be added to food with a shaker and consumed passively as part of processed or premade foods, sauces, and other common condiments.

Bloating is a common symptom of high sodium intake, and it can contribute to facial puffiness and swelling.

This is because sodium causes your body to retain extra water, a process known as fluid retention14.

8. Consume more fiber.

Increasing fiber intake is one of the most popular recommendations for slimming your face and losing cheek fat.

Fiber is a substance found in plant foods that your body does not absorb after eating. Instead, it moves slowly through your digestive tract, keeping you fuller for longer. It can help curb cravings and decrease appetite in this way15.

9. Avoid sugar.

Aside from limiting calories, it is critical to limit processed carbohydrates such as sugar. Sugar has been related to excess belly fat and facial fat. To satisfy your sugar cravings, try healthy alternatives such as stevia leaves.

10. An ounce of caution.

The simplest approach to avoid gaining fat on your face is to avoid gaining it in the first place. Face fat is commonly associated with excess body fat. Implementing the above guidelines for a healthier lifestyle can help you avoid facial puffiness and keep a slim profile.

Face Fat Reducing Exercises

Here are some face-thinning exercises that, if done consistently, will help you lose fat:

1. Chin Raise

A chin lift is a good exercise for getting rid of cheek fat. Pull your lower face and chin upwards while flexing your jaw muscles. The movement increases blood circulation to these areas, which causes fat to be burned. In one set, repeat these at least 10 to 15 times.

2. Facelift

It is an effective exercise for toning the muscles around the upper lips, preventing sagging, and reducing the appearance of a double chin.


  • Open your mouth wide open and flare your nostrils.
  • Hold this position for at least 15 seconds and release it.
  • Repeat this at least 20 times in one set to stimulate the different muscles effectively.

3. Rolling The Tongue

Tongue rolling is another method of stimulating the facial muscles, which can help to tone them and make your face appear slimmer.


  • Maintain a straight face and roll your tongue as far as you can.
  • You must attempt to move your tongue toward your nose for at least 15 seconds.
  • To achieve effective results, perform at least 20 sets.

4. Fish Face

The fish face is another effective exercise for reducing cheek fat and toning the muscles while making your face appear slimmer. This is similar to pouting; you can incorporate it into your workout routine to provide overall movement for the facial muscles.


  • To do this, suck your cheeks and hold them there for at least 25 to 30 seconds.
  • Repeat at least ten times with a 5-second break in between. It will tone your facial muscles and make your face appear slimmer.

5. Cheek Puff

Increased blood circulation to the face muscles is another effective way to make your face appear slimmer. Cheek puffs work on toning and strengthening these muscles, creating a narrower look. Puffing your cheeks can help improve blood circulation to these areas and help you achieve a more shapely appearance. This is a simple exercise for reducing cheek fat.


  • To accomplish this, close your mouth and puff up your cheeks.
  • Then, for 15 seconds, move air to the right with your cheek muscles.
  • Exhale after repeating the process on the left side.
  • Repeat this process at least 7 to 10 times to improve blood circulation.

Tips On How To Prevent Facial Fat

Maintaining a healthy weight through lifestyle adjustments is an excellent strategy for preventing face fat. Overweight or obese people are more likely to have fat around their faces than people who maintain a healthy weight.

Some suggestions for achieving or maintaining a healthy weight include:

  • exercising daily and including a variety of cardio routines
  • consuming a well-balanced meal high in lean protein and fresh fruits and vegetables
  • minimizing your intake of processed foods
  • consuming plenty of water and avoiding sugary beverages such as energy drinks, juices, and sodas

The Bottom Line

Facial fat accumulation can be caused by various factors, including genetics, diet, lifestyle, hormonal changes, alcohol consumption, dehydration, and aging.

While some facial fat is normal and even desirable, excessive facial fat can lead to a rounder, fuller appearance and can impact one’s self-esteem. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce facial fat, including making healthier lifestyle choices, performing facial exercises, and using natural remedies.

It’s important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to reducing facial fat, and what works for one person may not work for another. With a combination of healthy habits and targeted interventions, however, it is possible to reduce facial fat and achieve a more toned, youthful appearance.


1 Kordi R, Dehghani S, Noormohammadpour P, Rostami M, Mansournia MA. Effect of abdominal resistance exercise on abdominal subcutaneous fat of obese women: a randomized controlled trial using ultrasound imaging assessments. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015 Mar-Apr;38(3):203-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2014.12.004. Epub 2015 Mar 10. PMID: 25766455.

2 Ramírez-Campillo R, Andrade DC, Campos-Jara C, Henríquez-Olguín C, Alvarez-Lepín C, Izquierdo M. Regional fat changes induced by localized muscle endurance resistance training. J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Aug;27(8):2219-24. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31827e8681. PMID: 23222084.

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